07 April 2014

TCS Placement Papers Pattern 2014 – Download Pdf

According to information the test will be conducted in 4 slots with around 70 students in one slots.

1. Aptitude test: - Aptitude test contains 3 sections namely verbal ability, quantitative aptitude, technical knowledge.

    Verbal :- 15 questions
    Quantitative : -15 questions
    Technical :- 20 questions
    Test Duration:- 60 min

Main Topics for quantitative/ analytical / Aptitude test


Questions = 82 ; time limit = 90 minutes. no negative marking. Offline (paper & pen) test and a PSYCHOMETRIC TEST also.

Section 1: VERBAL (32 Questions, 20 minutes)

Directions for questions 1-10: Find the synonyms of the following words

1. Diligence
A. Laziness    B. carelessness    C.  negligence    D. meticulousness
Ans: D

2. Illustrious
A. unimportant    B. glorious    C.  shameful    D. None of these
Ans: B

3. Prolific
A. Unproductive     B. scarce    C. abundant    D. None of these
Ans: C 

4.  Relinquish
A.  Vanquish  B. repudiate    C.  retain,    D. None of these
Ans: B

A. clay    B. obstacle    C. dwelling    D. bind
Ans: C  

A. behavior    B. hold down     C. relieve    D. condemn
Ans: B

A. make a cavity    B. displease    C. humiliate    D. relapse
Ans: C  

A. reminiscence    B. category    C. fallacy    D. stupor
Ans: D

A. provocation     B. amplitude    C. reflex     D. escutcheon
Ans: A

A. mollify     B. motivate    C. profound    D. coax
Ans: D

Directions for questions 11-20: Find the Antonyms of the following words

11. Admonish
A. Reprove    B. reprimand    C.  Approve    D. rebuke
Ans: C

12. Circumspect
A. Reckless     B. Cautious    C. prudent    D. guarded
Ans: A

13. Impetus
A. Momentum    B. thrust      C. motivation    D. Inertia
Ans: D

14. Latent
A.  Dormant      B. Overt      C. embryonic    D.  suppressed
Ans: B

15. Manifestation
A. demonstration    B. expression    C. obscurity    D. symptom
Ans: C

16. Solicit
A.  Importune    B. implore    C. crave    D. Grant
Ans: D

17. Vehement
A. Fervent    B. passionate    C. Apathetic    D. None of these
Ans: C

18. Caprice
A. Whim     B. impulse     C. quirk    D. None of these
Ans: D

19. Dwindle
A. extend     B. fall     C. fall off     D. drop
Ans: A

20. Covet
A. aspire to     B. abjure    C. begrudge     D. crave
Ans: B